Special Holy Family Blessing over all families today!
Message--How Do We Have a Holy Family?
Learn about what Joseph, Mary, and Jesus mean to families in 2013
Children's Church: Hands on Learning, Loving and Safe Teachers, Changed Lives!
Kathie Baker, Pastor's Wife and Grandmother, Children's Pastor
Holy Family Devotion:
"Father, help us to live as the Holy Family, united in respect and love. Bring us to the joy and peace of your eternal home. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
In your Bible: Luke 2:22-40; Jesus Became Strong, Filled with Wisdom
There are two pillars of our Christian society responsible for the common good and the welfare of our people. In recent years, both of these pillars have come under demonic attack: the family and the priesthood. Jesus, our High Priest, through his own earthly family, demonstrates the importance of the “traditional” family to the world. Thus, families must come to see the impact their influence has on society for the good of all – and rise up to this challenge.
Activity: Today, gather the members of your family together and consecrate your family to the protection of the God with a special blessing during today's worship!
* Thank you to The Cathedral of St. Mary for this devotion.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Christmas Schedule
Christmas Eve--Monday December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Begins 7:00 p.m. Ends 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candle Light Nativity Festival Service 7:00 p.m.
Begin your holiday celebration with one hour of lighting candles, singing all your favorite Christmas carols,
a special message from Fr. Kevin
about the meaning of Christmas for your family,
and experiencing the presence of God in holy communion.
Begins 7:00 p.m. Ends 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candle Light Nativity Festival Service 7:00 p.m.
Begin your holiday celebration with one hour of lighting candles, singing all your favorite Christmas carols,
a special message from Fr. Kevin
about the meaning of Christmas for your family,
and experiencing the presence of God in holy communion.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
St. Patrick's--A Church Of Pioneers
Pioneers vs. Settlers
From 1990-2000, I was part of the Association of Vineyard Churches. In my years as a pioneer pastor or church planter, I studied the teachings of our leader John Wimber designed to build a movement of church pioneers.
The first generation of a new move of God begins with pioneers. In The Charismatic Episcopal Church, we are still in the pioneer phase, as is St. Patrick's Church. Every time I see God lead a person to our church, I know they will only stay if they have the strength and calling to be pioneers. Looking back at America's westward expansion, pioneers left the established cities of the east coast, and took huge risks to go to new places, clear a spot of land, contend with many dangers, and build a dream. That is the kind of life visionary pioneers lead.
As in settling the frontier, new church pioneers give up the comfort and security of the settled, established church with its mature buildings and programs to build a vision God has placed in their heart. Every time a person stays at St. Patrick's, I know God has sent us a pioneer to help us build.
As in settling the frontier, new church pioneers give up the comfort and security of the settled, established church with its mature buildings and programs to build a vision God has placed in their heart. Every time a person stays at St. Patrick's, I know God has sent us a pioneer to help us build.
Below, I am excerpting a piece by Tri Robinson "Building a Settlement While Retaining the Pioneer Spirit That Birthed It." Read it thinking about understanding that St. Patrick's is a pioneer church. Be blessed!
Tri Robinson:
Tri Robinson:
A move of God begins with the courageous, entrepreneurial efforts
of a group of people who have gone out into the world believing God for
the impossible. In this way they act like the early pioneers that once
forged out a new life where there was nothing. They were driven by fresh
vision, creativity, innovative ideas and the willingness to take major
risks. They were motivated by a compelling dream of what could be
rather than being satisfied with the status quo of what was.
forge into unknown territories with a hope of a preferred future as
their guide more than a well thought out organizational plan. Like the
pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock with nothing but faith in God and a
dream for a new beginning, pioneers resist the restraints of
bureaucracy desiring the freedom to be lead by the Holy Spirit and
simple Biblical values rather than top down, authoritative, centralized
Pioneers build pioneer towns, towns with minimal structure
systems. They build only what is necessary to facilitate the immediate
needs before them. Pioneers govern themselves, not so much because they
are given titles and assigned positions of authority, but rather out of
natural gifting and necessary functional roles. There is no mayor, no
chief of police, no town council. There is no need; not at first anyway.
As the settlement progresses new folks move in. These newcomers are
different than the original pioneers; they come at first for the
excitement of the pioneer life but desire more security and less risk.
They perceive the free- flowing lifestyle of those that came before them
as being disorganized and somewhat reckless. They value and strive for
management and organization.
They want schools for their children, law
enforcement to maintain order, rules and regulations to define what’s
acceptable and what’s not acceptable. Little by little the feeling of
adventurous freedom and the creative entrepreneurial spirit that
originally birthed the settlement dissipates under the restrains of
increased polity.
Pioneers solve problems as they arise, one at a time;
settlers establish rules and write neighborhood covenants in hopes of
avoiding conflict altogether. Polity subtly replaces vision as it is
used to define the culturally current social direction. Ideology
replaces missionality as ideas and thinking becomes a higher value than
spontaneous action.
In reality this is an honest scenario for most growing human
organizations. For true pioneers however, it is a sad reality that feels
futile and hopelessly unavoidable. Or is it? Could there be a means of
growing a viable organization without the encroachment and confinement
of institutionalization? Could we build a lasting vibrant settlement, or
in our case a church movement, that maintains the pioneer spirit? I
think we can.
Fr. Terry Gensemer Special Speaker 12/9
On Sunday December 9, come hear Fr. Terry Gensemer, an itinerant evangelist who travels all over the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus the Life.
On December 8, Fr. Terry led a prayer vigil at Buffalo Women's Services, one of two locations in Erie County that performs abortions. An ecumenical group from St. Patrick's CEC, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Churches prayed for the dignity of the lives of babies whose lives in the womb are terminated at that location.
On December 8, Fr. Terry led a prayer vigil at Buffalo Women's Services, one of two locations in Erie County that performs abortions. An ecumenical group from St. Patrick's CEC, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Churches prayed for the dignity of the lives of babies whose lives in the womb are terminated at that location.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Advent and Christmas Services
Every Sunday 12/2-12/23--Advent candle reading. Special music.
Monday Dec. 24--Christmas Eve service. 7:00 p.m.
Make your way through the Advent season with Busted Halo's Advent Surprise Calendar.
Advent is a precious time in the Christian calendar. The four weeks leading up to December 25 are meant to be a period of expectant waiting, as we prepare ourselves for the miraculous arrival of our Savior, in the form of a vulnerable infant born to humble parents.
The reality for most of us, though, is that these are anxious weeks of shopping and holiday planning leading up to a hectic Christmas Day. In the bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to forget what we’re waiting for.
Completely avoiding the Christmas onslaught may be impossible, but we can make an effort to maintain some connection to the spiritual foundation of this season. The 2012 Advent Surprise Calendar is here to help a little with that.
In traditional Advent calendars, children open different windows throughout the season to reveal special surprises. Busted Halo’s Advent calendar brings its sense of surprise by showing you the whole calendar, but not letting you open each day and find out what’s behind the picture until that day comes along. This year, we turn our attention to matters of patience — hoping each day’s Daily Jolt and MicroChallenge will help all of us come through Advent with our serenity intact.
How the digital Advent calendar works
Each day, that day’s link in the Advent calendar will start working, leading to a special Advent-themed Daily Jolt, with an opportunity for reflection and a microChallenge. Some of the reflections come from unlikely sources, and the challenges help you to take an action, usually a small one, based on the reflection.This year we will give away a weekly prize based on a random drawing among all the contestants who entered that week. Contestants will also be entered into the grand prize drawing for an iPad mini!
Entries must be accompanied by both email and snail mail addresses. (Don’t worry, this info won’t be given out to anyone; it just makes it easier to track contestants and winners.) The 16GB iPad mini Grand Prize will be awarded after December 25 in a random drawing from all eligible entries received during Advent. See the contest rules here.
All you need to do to enter each week is come back to our calendar, open a new day’s link and fill out an entry form. You can enter up to once a week (and if you enter every week you increase your chances of winning the grand prize.)
As you await the coming of our Lord on Christmas Day, use the Busted Halo Advent calendar each day to remind yourself of what this season is really about.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
EXPECT Podcast: The Foundations of Christian Worship
Check out the latest podcast! In this talk, Rev. Kevin
Baker shares that the worship of the early Church continued the Jewish
Tabernacle/Temple pattern of building on earth a copy of worship taking
place in heaven.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sunday 9/23 at St. Patrick's
Please mark your calendars for the Annual Youth Retreat for the Northeast Diocese which will be held on November 2-4 at the Marist Brothers Retreat House in Esopus NY.
Details and registration information--see Josh Baker.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie LeGrand at jaylee3@optonline.net
John Graham said, “Even if marriages are made in heaven,
man has to be responsible for the maintenance. “
Last week, we looked at 4 main Scripture passages
and the main theological principles of marriage from God’s Word. The marriage made in heaven part—what God
says marriage is.
Today, let’s spend a day on some very
practical lessons applying those biblical principles of how to minister to what
a wife needs from her husband—keeping a marriage heavenly.
Please mark your calendars for the Annual Youth Retreat for the Northeast Diocese which will be held on November 2-4 at the Marist Brothers Retreat House in Esopus NY.
Details and registration information--see Josh Baker.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie LeGrand at jaylee3@optonline.net
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Husband App--How to Love Your Wife
Genesis 2—21-22 God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man.
Husband APP 1.0
When men learn how to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, then they are ready to learn how to love a wife. God gives his daughters away to trustworthy men!
Come and learn this week and next how God can save your marriage and family--learn to love your wife.
Never been here, just show up. We are a young, growing mission congregation so every person who comes is welcomed warmly.
Genesis 2—21-22 God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man.
Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ Loved the Church and gave Himself for it.”
Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a Wife finds a good thing, and obtains the favor of the Lord.”
1 Peter 3: 7 “Likewise you husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”
Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a Wife finds a good thing, and obtains the favor of the Lord.”
1 Peter 3: 7 “Likewise you husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Current Sunday Teaching Series
A series of messages designed for immediate application in your family and marriage! Come and learn about what the Bible teaches about family, marriage, husbands, wives, parenting, and more!
The series began on 9/2/2012. Did you miss a week? Listen here.
The series began on 9/2/2012. Did you miss a week? Listen here.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Our first CORE DISCIPLESHIP course beginning in September is called Chrysalis. It is based on the reality that many people make a decision to follow Jesus by confessing him as Lord in baptism,but are not trained in what it means to be a follower by allowing Jesus to be Lord.
You can download your coursebook for free by clicking the book:
- So it is possible to believe, but never learn how to become spiritual by learning to allow the Holy Spirit to have control and lead your life.
- To live a spiritual life as a disciple, we must learn to see all of life from a spiritual viewpoint moment by moment.
- If we do not become Spirit led, we tend to drift back to being self-led relying on our own fleshly sinful desires and power in life, rather than desiring God’s will living in the power of His Spirit.
- Chrysalis teaches new believers and focuses older believers in need of a refresher how to live for God.
Commitment days are 8/26 and 9/2. Classes forming for launch in September! We are offering traditional in person classes, and a digital class for those outside our church as well! If you would like to participate email the pastor today. The online format will be a Google Plus circle--class size limit is 10--if we get those interested in online format.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Why We Do What We Do in Worship--Vestments
· As I have mentioned before, as the image of God, human beings speak in
· Look around in the
world and see how we use clothing to speak of who we are: medical people wear
white coats, policeman wear uniforms, judges wear black robes, many jobs have a
special uniform, brides wear white dresses, business men and lawyers wear
suits, and clergy wear clothes that represent spiritual truths.
· The alb or white robe
is white to symbolize the holiness and self-denial of those who serve in the
sanctuary of God.
· It hangs down to the
ankles, reminding us that we are bound to practice good works to life's end—from
top to bottom.
· The early church based
their wearing of white vestments on passages like this from The Book of Revelation:
Revelation 7:9 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Having a Christian Family
Ever wonder what having a Christian Family really means? Sure we have these visions in our heads of the polite but quiet children who don't speak often, but when they do they quote bible verses. The mother is the meek Proverbs 31 woman with a fierce protective streak over her children. The dad looks like the hard working athletic man wearing preacher's clothes who reminds us of Christ and has blue eyes letting you know he really "hears" you.
Oh, and everyone is carrying a bible and wearing a cross around their necks.
Wow, what a picture. No wonder it's easy to get down on ourselves for not having the "Christian" family that God wants for us.
This series of blog posts will introduce what the Bible says about family and will provide three tips that you can do to help bring your family into a closer walk with Jesus.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Why We Do What We Do in Worship--Enter The Presence
Passage John 14:6: 6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
A CRUCIFER carries Christ’s cross like Simon of Cyrene. Take up the cross and follow me—Jesus Christ.
Then as we prepare to enter God’s presence, God wants to wash us of our sins so we can enter with joy, not guilt.
Stuart Briscoe: When our children were small and we were trying to teach them to pray, we had three kinds of prayer: "Please prayers," Thank you prayers," and "Sorry prayers."
Confession is our “sorry prayer and please prayer. I am sorry for my sins, please forgive me.”
God is faithful and just to forgive our sins when we confess (1 John 1:7)
Then we enter God’s presence with songs of thanksgiving!
Being in worship on time as we enter God’s presence is important as you will miss the whole time of forgiveness and praising God for his goodness!
Why We Do What We Do in Worship--Gathering
Psalm 95:1-2: Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
The call to God’s people is to COME and worship. We go into the world to evangelize the lost! Sunday is about worship, not evangelism.
The Church at worship is called to come together in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day to:
To find Sabbath rest from our labors.
To be healed and strengthened.
To ascend the Holy Mountain to be with God in his presence.
To sing and celebrate that we are gathering together in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.
Is it in your heart to be glad and rejoice when we come? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Core Discipleship: 3 Strands 3 Stages 3 People

Regarding discipleship, noted Christian researcher George Barna writes, "Among the barriers to spiritual growth are the tendencies to focus on Bible knowledge (i.e., memorize verses, know the stories of key biblical personalities) but not character development; the lack of a clear and specific idea of what meaningful discipleship is; and unrealistic expectations regarding the role of small groups in the disciple-making process.” Barna acknowledged that most churches have many programs and classes that represent the discipleship effort. "Offering programs is not the issue. We discovered that surprisingly few churches have a well-conceived model of discipleship that they implement. The result is that churches feel they have fulfilled their obligation if they provide a broad menu of courses, events, and other experiences, but such a well-intentioned but disjointed approach leaves people confused and imbalanced."
3 Strands
Strand 1: Crowd (majority of churches have "Sunday" services)
Size: Typically the large gathering in most churches for corporate worship
Purpose: To bring about a change in knowledgeFocus: celebration - worship
Strand 2: Cell (growing number of churches have cell or life groups)
Size: 5-16 people
Purpose: To bring about behavioral change; characterFocus: community - fellowship--after you have been through discipleship--this takes place long term.
Strand 3: Core (few churches engage in up-close and personal discipleship as modeled by Jesus)
Size: 3 people - no more than 4
Purpose: To bring about a change of direction, heart and position; knowledge, character and conductFocus: committment - discipleship
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Forgotten Reasons to Worship: Jesus is our Warrior King
Forgotten Reasons to Worship:
Our God is our Warrior King.
In this century, we've seen many reasons that people worship God: Jesus is our Savior; Jesus rules from His throne; Jesus is our Father; Jesus is our Friend. These very familiar aspects of God help us to know Him and connect to Him.
But what about the nature of God that delivered Justice to the world? A.W. Tozer once said, "I love Him because He is my Savior, and I fear Him because He is my Judge." Throughout scripture we see that fearing the Lord is a very smart thing to do. He's terrifyingly powerful and He's on our side!
Read what David had to say about the power of God:
The Word of the Lord
2 Dark clouds surround him,and his throne is supportedby justice and fairness.
3 Fire leaps from his throne,destroying his enemies,
4 and his lightning is so brightthat the earth sees itand trembles.
5 Mountains melt away like waxin the presence of the [Lord]of all the earth.
6 The heavens announce,“The [Lord] brings justice!”Everyone sees God's glory.
7 Those who brag aboutthe useless idols they worshipare terribly ashamed,and all the false godsbow down to the [Lord].
8 When the people of Zionand of the towns of Judahhear that God brings justice,they will celebrate.
9 The [Lord] rules the whole earth,and he is more gloriousthan all the false gods.
10 Love the [Lord]and hate evil!God protects his loyal peopleand rescues themfrom violence.
11 If you obey and do right,a light will show you the wayand fill you with happiness.
12 You are the [Lord]'s people!So celebrate and praisethe only God.
(Thanks to Youversion.com for all that you do!)
The Word in Our Minds
Let's take a closer look at this. One might say, "Yes the Lord is King, but why does that matter to us? Lots of people are kings."
How many kings do you know that have dark clouds surround them when they come in anger towards you? That destroy people with fire from His throne? Whose lightning frightens the entire earth?
Whose very presence is so charged with energy that mountains can't stand against it? Remember that at this time people placed a lot of confidence in mightily massive things like thick walls. They aspired to make their surroundings as much like mountains as possible. Our God's power makes all earthly security melt away like wax.
But that's just pretty language right? They're just making a point. Ask the Old Testament priest if God's presence was just figuratively powerful. Priests were threatened with death for not wearing the right shorts while in the holy place. Ask Uzzah who died after breaking God's law by catching the holy tabernacle while it was falling. Ask the tribes following Moses when he came down from the mountain from the presence of the Lord. Ask Moses, who bore the fingerprint of God's presence and shone so brightly that the people were terrified and asked him to wear a veil because they couldn't even look at him.Excuse me, shouldn't you be cowering in fear right now?
Our God is a fierce Warrior! Thor... pantywaist. Terminator...whatever. Braveheart...wetting his kilt.
This is a God who swallowed up 10,000 of his own people in an earthquake when they broke covenant with Him. Ask Lot's wife who was covenantally covered by her husband's righteousness, but broke that covenant just by looking back in longing for her old sinful lifestyle.
Imagine what he does to his enemies! Ask the Egyptian army that was swallowed up in the Red Sea how fearsome Yahweh is. This very God whose own people were too afraid to even say His name.
Oh but wait. That changed with Jesus right? He was loving and kind; He was patient and turned the other cheek...
Remember the Jesus that took a whip to the moneychangers in the temple? But Jesus wouldn't hurt anyone... He's the God of Love... right? No! Jesus, being the only true loving God, is also the only true Just God. Jesus, the carpenter who carved and shaped wood with hand tools, drove the crowd of people away like a herd of cattle. Imagine how powerful someone would have to be to drive a crowd of people with a handful of cords. Imagine the terror of his fury and anger. Jesus definitely retained his Godly wrath.
The Word in Our Lives
Brothers and sisters, our God is a powerful warrior whose very nature inspires a good healthy fear for our lives. He rescues us from violence and protects those who are loyal to Him. We can have confidence in God's grace that has been given to us, but what about when we reject that by sinning and breaking His covenant? What about when we don't come into His Holy Place having accepted His grace in our lives? How dare we come into worship not having prepared ourselves first!
This is exactly why one of the first things we do after coming into His presence with praise is confess our sins to Him so that He might forgive us and restore us to being right with Him. If you're not taking that seriously, you're like the priest coming in with the wrong shorts - unfit for the presence of the King.
The Word in Our World
Thank the Lord that He is on our side and extends His grace to His people. But who are His enemies in this world? Why is it that we go into the world trembling about what they're going to say about us? We go out whispering His praise at best. We ignore the covenant He made with us to go into the world preaching the gospel and making disciples. And because we're silent and His enemies are not, we are slowly but surely becoming more and more like His enemies.
Where's the magic line between being like His enemy and being His enemy? Our sex lives? Our lifestyle? Our actions? Our feelings? Our thoughts?
Body of Christ, take control of your lives and speak into those around you so that you do not become His enemy, bringing His wrath down upon you.
If you simply can't do it out of pure self-interest, at least do it for your children and grandchildren. Look at our country for proof. For 200 years we have reaped the benefits of accepting the covenant that He extended to us. We named Him as our God and His apostles were our leaders. We came here so that we could serve Him apart from His enemies. Were we perfect? No. Did we glorify Him and follow His commands perfectly? No. Slavery is a good enough example of the way that we ignored God's commands... but we were still His people. Just look at the way that even the people we sinned against came into relationship with God based on that covenant America had as His country.
Look further at countries who turned their back on God and embrace ways that are not His. There are countries throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East that do not experience the peace and relative safety that we enjoy. The only saving grace for these countries are the small communities of believers living in them. Like the 10 righteous men that God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for, these pockets of righteousness keep the fullness of His wrath from these countries.
Right now, we are the 10 righteous men keeping America afloat. May God continue to have mercy on us, and bring justice upon our enemies.
This week when we come into worship, let's remember the fearsome and jealous God that we serve and celebrate our Warrior King for the greatness He is and the great things He has done. Let our enemies tremble in fear, as we revere.
My Warrior King
My Warrior King
My Warrior King
The God of Love and Justice
Rule over everything
My Warrior King
To You we will sing
Destroy all our enemies
Rescue us we sing
~Josh Baker
Our God is our Warrior King.
In this century, we've seen many reasons that people worship God: Jesus is our Savior; Jesus rules from His throne; Jesus is our Father; Jesus is our Friend. These very familiar aspects of God help us to know Him and connect to Him.
But what about the nature of God that delivered Justice to the world? A.W. Tozer once said, "I love Him because He is my Savior, and I fear Him because He is my Judge." Throughout scripture we see that fearing the Lord is a very smart thing to do. He's terrifyingly powerful and He's on our side!
Read what David had to say about the power of God:
The Word of the Lord
Psalm 971 The [Lord] is King!Tell the earth to celebrateand all islands to shout.
The [Lord] Brings Justice
2 Dark clouds surround him,and his throne is supportedby justice and fairness.
3 Fire leaps from his throne,destroying his enemies,
4 and his lightning is so brightthat the earth sees itand trembles.
5 Mountains melt away like waxin the presence of the [Lord]of all the earth.
6 The heavens announce,“The [Lord] brings justice!”Everyone sees God's glory.
7 Those who brag aboutthe useless idols they worshipare terribly ashamed,and all the false godsbow down to the [Lord].
8 When the people of Zionand of the towns of Judahhear that God brings justice,they will celebrate.
9 The [Lord] rules the whole earth,and he is more gloriousthan all the false gods.
10 Love the [Lord]and hate evil!God protects his loyal peopleand rescues themfrom violence.
11 If you obey and do right,a light will show you the wayand fill you with happiness.
12 You are the [Lord]'s people!So celebrate and praisethe only God.
(Thanks to Youversion.com for all that you do!)
The Word in Our Minds
Let's take a closer look at this. One might say, "Yes the Lord is King, but why does that matter to us? Lots of people are kings."
How many kings do you know that have dark clouds surround them when they come in anger towards you? That destroy people with fire from His throne? Whose lightning frightens the entire earth?
Whose very presence is so charged with energy that mountains can't stand against it? Remember that at this time people placed a lot of confidence in mightily massive things like thick walls. They aspired to make their surroundings as much like mountains as possible. Our God's power makes all earthly security melt away like wax.
But that's just pretty language right? They're just making a point. Ask the Old Testament priest if God's presence was just figuratively powerful. Priests were threatened with death for not wearing the right shorts while in the holy place. Ask Uzzah who died after breaking God's law by catching the holy tabernacle while it was falling. Ask the tribes following Moses when he came down from the mountain from the presence of the Lord. Ask Moses, who bore the fingerprint of God's presence and shone so brightly that the people were terrified and asked him to wear a veil because they couldn't even look at him.Excuse me, shouldn't you be cowering in fear right now?
Our God is a fierce Warrior! Thor... pantywaist. Terminator...whatever. Braveheart...wetting his kilt.
This is a God who swallowed up 10,000 of his own people in an earthquake when they broke covenant with Him. Ask Lot's wife who was covenantally covered by her husband's righteousness, but broke that covenant just by looking back in longing for her old sinful lifestyle.
Imagine what he does to his enemies! Ask the Egyptian army that was swallowed up in the Red Sea how fearsome Yahweh is. This very God whose own people were too afraid to even say His name.
Oh but wait. That changed with Jesus right? He was loving and kind; He was patient and turned the other cheek...
Remember the Jesus that took a whip to the moneychangers in the temple? But Jesus wouldn't hurt anyone... He's the God of Love... right? No! Jesus, being the only true loving God, is also the only true Just God. Jesus, the carpenter who carved and shaped wood with hand tools, drove the crowd of people away like a herd of cattle. Imagine how powerful someone would have to be to drive a crowd of people with a handful of cords. Imagine the terror of his fury and anger. Jesus definitely retained his Godly wrath.
The Word in Our Lives
Brothers and sisters, our God is a powerful warrior whose very nature inspires a good healthy fear for our lives. He rescues us from violence and protects those who are loyal to Him. We can have confidence in God's grace that has been given to us, but what about when we reject that by sinning and breaking His covenant? What about when we don't come into His Holy Place having accepted His grace in our lives? How dare we come into worship not having prepared ourselves first!
This is exactly why one of the first things we do after coming into His presence with praise is confess our sins to Him so that He might forgive us and restore us to being right with Him. If you're not taking that seriously, you're like the priest coming in with the wrong shorts - unfit for the presence of the King.
The Word in Our World
Thank the Lord that He is on our side and extends His grace to His people. But who are His enemies in this world? Why is it that we go into the world trembling about what they're going to say about us? We go out whispering His praise at best. We ignore the covenant He made with us to go into the world preaching the gospel and making disciples. And because we're silent and His enemies are not, we are slowly but surely becoming more and more like His enemies.
Where's the magic line between being like His enemy and being His enemy? Our sex lives? Our lifestyle? Our actions? Our feelings? Our thoughts?
Body of Christ, take control of your lives and speak into those around you so that you do not become His enemy, bringing His wrath down upon you.
If you simply can't do it out of pure self-interest, at least do it for your children and grandchildren. Look at our country for proof. For 200 years we have reaped the benefits of accepting the covenant that He extended to us. We named Him as our God and His apostles were our leaders. We came here so that we could serve Him apart from His enemies. Were we perfect? No. Did we glorify Him and follow His commands perfectly? No. Slavery is a good enough example of the way that we ignored God's commands... but we were still His people. Just look at the way that even the people we sinned against came into relationship with God based on that covenant America had as His country.
Look further at countries who turned their back on God and embrace ways that are not His. There are countries throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East that do not experience the peace and relative safety that we enjoy. The only saving grace for these countries are the small communities of believers living in them. Like the 10 righteous men that God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for, these pockets of righteousness keep the fullness of His wrath from these countries.
Right now, we are the 10 righteous men keeping America afloat. May God continue to have mercy on us, and bring justice upon our enemies.
This week when we come into worship, let's remember the fearsome and jealous God that we serve and celebrate our Warrior King for the greatness He is and the great things He has done. Let our enemies tremble in fear, as we revere.
My Warrior King
My Warrior King
My Warrior King
The God of Love and Justice
Rule over everything
My Warrior King
To You we will sing
Destroy all our enemies
Rescue us we sing
~Josh Baker
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Bishop Visit Picnic 2012
A Time of Fellowship with Bishop Gregory and Cathy Ortiz
June 16, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Picnic at Betsy Zimmerman's House
Bring a friend!
Directions to 18 Woodward Ave Buffalo, NY 14214-2624
Right near the Buffalo Zoo off Parkside
Bring a dish to pass--chairs-drinks,
the church will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers
Have a good yard game? Bring it along!
June 16, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Picnic at Betsy Zimmerman's House
Bring a friend!
Directions to 18 Woodward Ave Buffalo, NY 14214-2624
Right near the Buffalo Zoo off Parkside
Bring a dish to pass--chairs-drinks,
the church will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers
Have a good yard game? Bring it along!
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Trinity Sunday
Someone once said, “If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind. But if you deny it, you will lose your soul.”
Bishops, Councils and Synods, Preachers and Teachers have, for more years than this church has existed thought it good and wise to set aside the first day after Pentecost as TRINITY SUNDAY to remind the millions of seekers - the millions of faithful - for whom they care - that God is a mystery which is best understood in three ways:
As creator -- or Father as redeemer -- or Son and as sustainer -- or Spirit.
On June 3--Trinity Sunday--Fr. Kevin will answer the questions:
1. Is The Trinity Scriptural?
2. Is The Trinity Sensible?
3. Is The Trinity Significant?
We will look at all the views of God that the Bible and Church history have called heresies that are believed by groups today including Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and TD Jakes' oneness Pentecostalism
This sermon will teach the orthodox Christian belief in the Trinity in an understandable way.
For more info visit: Theopedia
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Pentecost and the Gift of Tongues
About the Gift of Tongues at Pentecost--Homily add-on
I had too much to say for Pentecost Sunday, so here are the notes I refer to in my sermon about the gift of tongues...
There is no
controversy that God, at least at one time, gave the church the gift of
But much of the
controversy centers on the question, “what is God’s purpose for the gift of tongues?”
Some think that
the gift of tongues was given primarily as a sign to unbelievers (1 Corinthians
14:21-22) and as a means to miraculously communicate the gospel in diverse
They believe
there is no longer the need for this sign, so they regard tongues as a gift no
longer present in the church today.
Others argue
that the gift of tongues, while a sign to unbelievers as stated by 1
Corinthians 14:21-22, is primarily a
gift of communication between the believer and God (1 Corinthians 14:2, 13-15),
and is a gift still given by God today.
Many mistakenly
interpret this incident in Acts 2, assuming that the disciples used tongues to
preach to the gathered crowd. But a
careful look shows this idea is wrong
Notice what the
people heard the disciples say: Speaking . . . the wonderful works of God.
The disciples
declared the praises of God, thanking Him with all their might in unknown
tongues. The gathered crowd merely overheard what the disciples exuberantly
declared to God.
The idea that
these disciples communicated to the diverse crowd in tongues is plainly
wrong. The crowd had a common language (Greek), and Peter preached a sermon to them
in that language! (Acts 2:14-40)
The gift of
tongues is a personal language of
prayer given by God, whereby the believer communicates with God beyond the
limits of knowledge and understanding (1 Corinthians 14:14-15).
Tongues has an
important place in the devotional life of the believer, but a small place in
the corporate life of the church (1 Corinthians 14:18-19), especially in
“public” meetings (1 Corinthians 14:23).
When tongues are practiced in the corporate life of
the church, it must be carefully controlled, and never without an
interpretation given by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:27-28).
The ability to
pray in an unknown tongue is not a gift given to every believer (1 Corinthians
The ability to
pray in an unknown tongue is not the
evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit.
This emphasis
leads many to seek the gift of tongues (and to counterfeit it) merely to prove
to themselves and others that they really are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Is the speaking with other
tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance in Acts 2 the same gift of tongues described in 1
Corinthians 12 and 14?
Some say we are
dealing with two separate gifts. They
argue that the 1 Corinthians gift must be regulated and restricted, while the
Acts 2 gift can be used any time without regulation. Those who believe they are two separate gifts
emphasize that the speech of Acts 2 was immediately recognized by foreign
visitors to Jerusalem, while the speech of 1 Corinthians was unintelligible to
those present except with a divinely granted gift of interpretation.
However, this
doesn’t take into account that the differences have more to do with the circumstances in which the gifts were
exercised than with the gifts themselves.
In Jerusalem, the
group spoken to was uniquely multi-national and multi-lingual; at feast time
(Pentecost), Jews of the dispersion from all over the world were in the
Therefore, the
likelihood that foreign ears would hear a tongue spoken in their language was
much greater. On the other hand, in
Corinth (though a rather cosmopolitan city itself), the gift was exercised in a
local church, with members all sharing a common language (Greek).
If one had the
same diversity of foreigners visiting the Corinthian church when all were
speaking in tongues, it is likely that many would hear members of the
Corinthian church speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.
As well, it
should never be assumed that each person among the 120 who spoke in tongues on
the Day of Pentecost spoke in a language immediately intelligible to human ears
present that day.
We read they all . . . began to speak with other tongues;
therefore there were more than 120 individuals speaking in tongues. Since the nations spoken of in Acts 2:9-11
number only fifteen (with perhaps others present but not mentioned), it is
likely that many (if not most) of the 120 spoke praises to God in a language
that was not understood by someone immediately present.
The text simply
does not indicate that someone present could understand each person speaking in tongues.
However, we
should not assume those who were not immediately understood by human ears spoke
“gibberish,” as the modern gift of tongues is called with derision.
They may have
praised God in a language completely unknown, yet completely human.
After all, what
would the language of the Aztecs sound like to Roman ears?
Or some may have
spoke in a completely unique language given by God and understood by Him and
Him alone. After all, communication with
God, not man, is the purpose of the gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 14:2).
The repetition
of simple phrases, unintelligible and perhaps nonsensical to human bystanders,
does not mean someone speaks “gibberish.”
Praise to God
may be simple and repetitive, and part of the whole dynamic of tongues is that
it bypasses the understanding of the speaker (1 Corinthians 14:14), being
understood by God and God alone.
All in all, we
should regard the gift of Acts 2 and the gift of tongues in 1 Corinthians as
the same, simply because the same term is used for both in the original
language (heterais glossais).
Also, the verb
translated gave them utterance in
Acts 2:4 is frequently used in Greek literature in connection with spiritually
prompted (ecstatic) speech, not mere translation into other languages.
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